The grass was greener

by Your ER Doc on February 17, 2009

Med spaNow that the economy has totally fallen apart, I finally have some career validation. I must say, I had been feeling somewhat regretful about my job choice, especially at 3am when there was an intoxicated teenager vomiting on my shoes. I would think, “Gosh, I could have a med spa someplace, and be a dermatologist or plastic surgeon catering to rich healthy people during regular hours.” Now that everyone is scrambling just to pay their mortgage, I’m pretty happy I didn’t throw down on a medspa.



We’ll see how long I remain happy about my career choice, after the state starts paying my bills with I.O.U.’s.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Francis Acunzo 02.17.09 at 1:15 pm

Not so fast…though many medspas are failing, that is not necessarily because of the economy. So many doctors ran out to open medical spas because they thought the grass was greener and they would cash in. But they didn’t stop to think that they were getting into a whole new business with a whole new set of rules…very different than running a medical practice.

Medical Spas are classic retail healthcare and the ones that do it right with solid management and effective marketing are successful. We work with locations that are up considerably (between 25% – 100%) over last year’s first quarter. And the last time I checked…their clients weren’t vomiting on the doctors shoes.

ERP 02.25.09 at 7:01 pm

I agree. The plasics guys are chomping at the bit to come in a do simple lacs!

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