Tattoos and the Emergency Room

by Your ER Doc on January 6, 2009

One of the benefits of working in the ER is an opportunity to survey what is new in tattoos and piercings.

Most patients are only too happy to show off their body art  and provide a background story to go along with it.

By far the most impressive tattoo witnessed in the ER belonged to a middle aged man who was covered with a wide variety of very detailed pictures, some with color, some without. The patient said, “Oh, these are nothing, you have to see my elephant.” 

He pulled down his shorts and he had a large elephant head done with striking detail just above his phallus. Naturally, the trunk of the elephant morphed directly into his manhood.

Somewhat at a loss for words, the nurse told him the tattoo was impressive. He said, “Oh, you should see him when he raises his trunk!”

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

cardiogirl 01.06.09 at 2:27 am

(mouth gapes open)

Uh, no words.

Just the searing image of the elephant with its (shudders violently) trunk up.

tb 01.06.09 at 7:17 am

wow. Just wow. Ringing Brothers has n o t h i n g compared to him! :)

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