Superbugs in the ER

by Your ER Doc on October 6, 2008

C. diff "Super Bug"


I recently read about “super bugs” (Clostridium difficile) or C. diff being prevalent in hospitals and also MRSA staph too. You are in a hospital everyday and in “the middle of it” as an ER Doctor. Why don’t you get sick too?



Unfortunately, we do! ER docs, nurses and other hospital employees are at huge risk for developing these infections, and that’s why we are absolutely obsessed with hand washing, use of gloves, and hand sanitizer. The frightening truth is that working in the ER puts us on the front line of dealing with these infections, and we have to accept the risk. I personally wear a lab coat which covers most of me, and the coat stays in the hospital and is washed frequently. I wash and sanitize my hands repeatedly throughout the day, and definitely between each patient. I try to avoid touching my face, unless my hands have just been washed. C.dif, MRSA, certain types of meningitis, hepatitis, HIV, are just some of the bad bugs I am trying desperately to avoid as I go through my career. Now that I think about it, maybe engineering would have been a better job. . .

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

SeaSpray 10.24.08 at 11:09 am

What about in the rest of the hospital? Just curious.

One morning while working in the kitchen…I came around the counter only to see my little baby boy SUCKING and GNAWING on my spiked high heel that I had walked all through the ED for an entire shift, the rest room and around the hospital the night before. He’s 20 now!

One of the ED docs I worked with said that he never walks in the house with shoes he wears in hospital but instead takes them off and leaves them in the garage.

admin 10.24.08 at 3:02 pm


Great point!

Thanks for the comment!

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