Stop punching me in the butt!

by Your ER Doc on April 24, 2009

fracutureOne of our more commonly seen fractures is the appropriately named “Boxer’s fracture.”  This results from punching objects, usually a wall, sometimes another person’s face.  The hand is broken at the neck of the pinky metacarpal bone, just before the big knuckle.  One recent sufferer from this injury is a young man who I know well.  However, he did not punch a wall, or a person’s face.  No, he punched his friend’s butt.  Yes, that’s right.  I thought I’d seen it all.  All I know is, I wish my butt was firm enough to cause hand fractures, but sadly, punching it would barely result in a sprain.

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

allan 01.17.11 at 2:48 am

so was his pinky fixed coz i got the same.. punched a guys face and ma pinky looks messed

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