Question to Ask About Surgery

by Your ER Doc on July 6, 2011

Are you embarrassed to ask your doctor questions? Please don’t be. It’s your body. You have a right to know what’s going on – especially if you’re having surgery.

There are some basic questions you should ask.

First, get a simplified explanation of the surgery, and why it’s needed. What outcome can you expect? Does it need to be done right away? What happens if it’s not done? Are there non-surgical options to consider?

Ask your doctor what the risks are. What kind of anesthesia will be used. What’s the recovery process? Are there preparations to be made?

Don’t hesitate to ask your surgeon how many times he or she has done this procedure. What’s the success rate? Can you get a second opinion?

And of course the big question – is it covered by your insurance?

Remember, it’s good medicine to be involved in your own care.

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