Preventing Slips

by Your ER Doc on October 15, 2011

Have you ever taken a fall? It seems to hurt more when you’re older. Oh, those brittle bones!

Falls are still the most common home accident. Children and the elderly are most at risk. This is especially true during winter weather, when we come home on icy sidewalks and stairs, and enter the house with wet shoes.

We probably can’t eliminate slips and falls entirely. But we can do this:

Get rid of throw rugs, or if you insist on them, tape or tack them down.

Don’t put purses, toys, or other clutter in halls or on stairways intending to put it all away later.

Use nightlights and stairway light. Make sure you have clear passages between lamp switches and doorways.

Put non-slip mats in bathtubs. Install handrails.

Window guards and safety gates are a must if you have small children.

Rocket science? Nope. Just common sense.

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