Post-Election Depression

by Your ER Doc on November 4, 2008

It’s over people!
With the longest Presidential campaign in recent history over, we can all breath a sigh of relief!
Or can we?
Some will inexplicably not feel relief, but will find themselves with a case of the blues. Others will feel anxious and a few will be downright depressed. A lot of this will depend on whether your choice of President won the election, or if you feel the winner is a complete knucklehead. But for many of us, the pre-election season has been an ordeal, and now that it is over, there will be a void that is not easily filled. As always, my interest is primarily keeping you healthy and out of the ER, especially since I’ve got some night shifts coming up and would like to get some sleep, so here’s a couple tips.
1. Don’t turn to alcohol. This won’t help at all, may result in a fall, car crash, fight, or at best a hangover. So please, if you must drown your sorrows, how about a nice fruit smoothie?
2. Don’t just sit around watching TV. There’s nothing good on, and you should be getting some exercise to avoid a stroke or heart attack anyway.
3. Don’t complain about politics to your friends and loved ones. They will resent you for this, and you will be left alone to stew in your own juices. Then you will turn to alcohol (see #1).
4. Go see your primary physician and tell them all about your feelings. They want to know all the details. (just don’t tell them I sent you.)
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{ 2 trackbacks }
11.04.08 at 9:44 pm
Post Election Depression Follow Up | Your ER Doc
11.11.08 at 9:25 am

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Robert 11.10.08 at 12:41 pm

Very informative piece. Now that the election is over I have time to watch events that truly matter, like NBA basketball or game shows.

admin 11.10.08 at 6:17 pm


Me too!

Thanks for the comments!

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