Number 9 on the Top 10 Ways to Avoid the ER

by Your ER Doc on January 10, 2009

Welcome to another installment of the Top 10 Ways to Avoid the ER.

Number 9 – Weekend warriors retire.

Okay, you know the type. You’re mid forties, maybe you used to play a few sports, and you still think you’ve got some moves. Or maybe your buddy’s got an extra dirt bike he’s going to let you try out. Slow down my friend, you’re about to make a visit to the ER. I know it sounds perfectly reasonable, a quick basketball game, a mountain bike ride, an indoor soccer league, but watch out. If you don’t carefully ease back into rigorous sports you are going to sprain, break, contuse, or rupture something. As we age, our ability to repair damaged body parts becomes much worse. Injuries tend to accumulate, and it’s much easier to get hurt in the first place. If you really want to participate in a contact sport, or something really crazy like dirt bike riding, you must gradually ease into it, to let your body acclimate. My wife would argue that I should heed my own advice here.
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