New Year Thoughts – Celebrate You

by Your ER Doc on January 12, 2012

There’s a lot to celebrate this time of year — families, friends, traditions, and good fortune.

But I’d like to suggest that you find a moment in the midst of your busy day to take a look at your own life, and permit yourself some joy about what you have accomplished in 2011.

Was this the year you finally got a promotion, found a new friend, or sent your daughter off to college?

Did you finally forgive somebody, or discover a church where you feel at home? Were you able to lose that five pounds, or run a full mile? Break some barrier? Or just survive?

What made you feel really good this year?

It’s important to take inventory of personal successes, whether large or small. Give yourself a pat on the back, even if it’s just a quick one.

Remember the more you take time to be grateful about the good in your life, the more there is in life to be grateful about.

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