Nailed it… Himself to the wall that is

by Your ER Doc on November 25, 2008

 wonder where Jim is. . .?

A carpenter came in recently with a chief complaint of a nail puncture to his thumb.
This is certainly not an unusual injury, but I noticed that the time he was hurt was 3 hours prior to arrival. The patient had shot a 16 penny nail all the way through his thumb with a pneumatic nail gun.
“What took you so long to get here?” I asked him.
The carpenter looked a bit sheepish at that question, and then admitted he had nailed himself securely to the house he was building.
No one was on site to pull the nail out, and he couldn’t reach his hammer.
Fortunately, he had his cell phone in his pocket, so he called his wife. She was not at all squeamish about using his hammer to pull the nail out of the 2X4 framing, but she let me take the nail out of her husband.
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