Important information for patients

by Your ER Doc on February 2, 2009

You know those hospital gowns we give people in the ER? You know how they are open on one side? Well, they are meant to be open in the back. To clarify, they are not supposed to be open in the front. Enough said.

hospital gown

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Braden 02.02.09 at 8:08 am

I used to just assume that everybody knew that.

Now when I hand the patient a gown, I say, “and the opening goes towards the back,” and offending their intelligence be damned.

tb 02.02.09 at 12:02 pm

Sooooo, did anyone ever steal a staple gun??

tb 02.03.09 at 8:04 am

okay, never mind…

Chuck 02.04.09 at 1:48 pm

I don’t go to the hospital much and wear a gown, so I appreciate the reminder.

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