Heath Ledger raises sleeping pill use concern

by yourerdoc on December 16, 2008


I use sleeping pills frequently, but after Heath Ledger’s death  earlier this year, I am concerned.  What can I do?


Insomnia is a huge problem, affecting one in six Americans.  While sleeping pills have a role in treating insomnia, there are some major downsides and generally, their use should be limited.  The concept of proper “sleep hygiene”  is gaining traction in this country, but is under-utilized.  What it means is that all steps to ensure a proper night’s sleep should be taken prior to relying on medications.  Having a regular schedule during the day and a reasonable bedtime is important.  The sleeping environment should be dark, quiet and a comfortable temperature.  The bed should be used for sleeping, not as a surrogate office, TV area, or dining table.

Alcohol is used by many to help them get to sleep, but in fact, it can degrade the quality of sleep substantially, and it should be avoided within 6 hours of bedtime.

Caffeine products should be avoided after noon.

Exercise has been shown to benefit sleep substantially, so that can be added to the list of why we should get our daily exercise.

Clearly, there are situations which can negatively impact your sleep, and from time to time, many people may need a sleeping pill.  At that point, it is reasonable to speak with your doctor about sleeping pills.  However, you generally should not be on sleeping pills long-term, and you should make sure that you follow prescription directions closely.

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

GigiSehatBadanSehat 12.16.08 at 6:00 am

hello…i vote your blog on bloggers choice awards 2009 for best health blog.
it would be honour if you would vote for my blog too…success for you!


tb 12.16.08 at 7:30 am

Awwwwww, Heath.

“Jack, I swear….”

tb 12.17.08 at 6:54 am

Congratulations, Dr, Evans! i was going to nominate you too! Can we vote??

tb 12.17.08 at 6:54 am

Or, maybe i can still nominate you in a different catagory Best Doctor Blog…

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