Dairy allergy

by Your ER Doc on March 10, 2009

Don’t parents know that rashes can be caused by food?  I had a young girl, about 4, brought in by her parents for a rash a while back.  She had eczema, and had been sufferingdairy-allergy from it pretty much her entire young life.  I launched into my quick question mode and found out that no one had even considered various allergic causes of the rash.  I asked if she seemed particularly sensitive to any foods, and the mom said, “Oh well when she drinks a glass of milk, she has terrible diarrhea and bloating, and maybe her rash gets worse.”  Trying to lead them a bit, I asked if they thought she might be sensitive to milk or dairy.  They weren’t sure.  I asked if they had ever tried a dairy free diet.  No.

It’s hard to imagine having a child with these symptoms, and not trying a couple diet changes to see if that would help.  Unfortunately for this child she has suffered now from fairly severe allergic symptoms for several years that were most likely preventable.

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Fordo 03.11.09 at 9:49 am

So is it possible to have a food allergy or intolerance with all over severe itching and diarrhea, but no rash? This happens to me a handful of times during the year after I ingest so process or preprepared for. I figure its due to a dye or preservative, but have been unable to nail down the exact cause. Methylprednisolone usally helps resolve the symptoms.

Your ER Doc 03.11.09 at 7:34 pm

Rashes certainly vary. You don’t have to have a rash to be having allergic symptoms. Sounds like a visit to an allergy specialist would be a good call.

Dr. Bearemy 03.11.09 at 10:03 pm

ER Doc,

Give ‘em a break … I’m sure I sound equally clueless, if not more so, when I go to the garage to get my car serviced. :)

Your ER Doc 03.12.09 at 5:56 pm

I doubt it. If you drove for 100 thousand miles and never changed your oil, I don’t think you would ask the mechanic why you car was running rough.

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