British doctors are lardos

by Your ER Doc on December 11, 2008

A recent British study demonstrated that nearly 4 in 5 doctors in the UK do not get the recommended exercise that they themselves prescribe. 

For shame British Doctors! 

Hah!  I’ve always suspected this was true.  I bet they are too busy eating bangers and mash, or putting petrol in their boots, or calling everything brilliant! or whatever they do.

Hmm, I just noticed that to get a passing grade, you have to exercise 30 min a day, at least 5 days a week. . .

This Yankee doc better get on the treadmill.

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{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

tb 12.12.08 at 8:25 am

Heh, i wrote this on another blog, however, it reminds me of Dr. Perri Klass’ book “Treatment, Kind and Fair”. In one part, she asked a group of (American) physicans if they follow the suggestions they give thier patients, particularly concerning diet and exercise. Most of them just laughed and shook their heads.
(tracy, just off the tread.)

tb 12.12.08 at 8:26 am

PS, Oh, yes, this Yank needs some improvement as well!!!

Your ER Doc 12.12.08 at 9:21 am

Yeah, I think there’s probably no difference between the American and British docs. However, it’s nice to think that if the British ever try to re-colonize the US, we would be able to kick their butts.

DrShroom 12.12.08 at 11:16 pm

Not wishing to be jingoistic, or ow’t, but one might take issue with your prediction for the victor in an international butt kick-off.
Anyway, duty to Quenn and Country done, I’moff to fill me boots.



Your ER Doc 12.13.08 at 11:48 am

I hope I haven’t created an international incident.

TDB 12.13.08 at 11:52 pm

My doc and his PA assistant actually challenged their patients to spent 6months training to walk/run a half or full Marathon last year. The goal was to get all of us in shape, not to actually do the marathon. The PA ran the marathon (he has done quite a few) and my doctor walked the half with his wife and the majority of us patients. It really was great because it showed that some doctors are willing to literally walk the talk. During the months before the race they had training meetings where you learned proper nutrition, stretches, how to avoid injuries etc. I look forward to doing it again this year.

Your ER Doc 12.14.08 at 10:12 am

What a great doctor! He’s really making the rest of us look like slackers.

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