Dear ER doc, do you think that John McCain’s health should be an issue in this presidential election?
A: First of all, I should mention that I don’t have any access to Senator McCain’s medical records, so that makes it tricky. I believe he is 72 years old, and has had some problems with melanoma. According to a CNN report, the Senator had melanoma 4 separate times, and one of them was locally invasive, but no distant spread. The report is that he is completely free of melanoma at this time. Whether a person with some health issues is fit to be President of the United States really is a philosophical question for American voters. Any person elected to the Presidency could develop health problems later, so I don’t feel it should have too much impact on your vote.
I also should mention that McCain was examined by a team of doctors from the Mayo Clinic and they determined that he was in fact, fit to lead the country, and his health would not limit him.
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